
Call Rates per Minute to US and Territories

Destination Day Rates Evening Rates Weekend Rates Prepaid Rates
US Mainland $0.17 $0.15 $0.12 $0.10
Guam $0.25 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15
Saipan/Marianas $0.25 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15
US Virgin Islands $0.25 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15
Puerto Rico $0.25 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15

*Day, Evening and Weekend Rates apply towards Landlines and Postpaid ASTCA Mobile phones.

Other Long Distance Rates per Minute

Country Code Country Name Prepaid Mobile Landline and Postpaid Mobile
685 Samoa Digicel $0.80 $0.80
685 Samoa B/Sky $0.80 $0.80
676 Tonga $0.83 $0.83
677 Solomon Islands $0.90 $0.95
678 Vanuatu $0.80 $0.99
679 Fiji $0.27 $0.27
674 Nauru $1.30 $1.35
675 Papua New Guinea $0.80 $0.90
680 Palau $0.45 $0.55
681 Wallis/Futuna $1.75 $1.80
682 Cook Islands $0.75 $0.80
683 Niue $1.60 $1.55
686 Kiribati $1.10 $1.40
687 New Caledonia $0.45 $0.55
688 Tuvalu $1.25 $1.25
689 French Polynesia $0.40 $0.40
690 Tokelau $1.45 $1.55
691 Micronesia $0.50 $0.55
692 Marshall Islands $0.45 $0.55
61 Australia $0.15 $0.17
63 Philippines $0.18 $0.18
64 New Zealand $0.15 $0.17
81 Japan $0.15 $0.20
82 South Korea $0.10 $0.15
86 China $0.10 $0.15
852 Hong Kong $0.10 $0.20
855 Cambodia $0.75 $0.85
886 Taiwan $0.10 $0.15